Monday, 26 September 2016



Device: a contrivance or invention serving a particular purpose, especially a machine used to perform one or more relatively simple tasks.
Enclose: to put in the same envelope or package with something else.
Attachments: a computer file sent along with an email message.
Rehearse: to practise or go through (a play, speech, musical piece, etc.) before giving it in public. 
Performance: an entertainment presented before an audience.
Sleepover: an instance of sleeping over, as at another person's house.
Bothering: cause of trouble or worry.
Complain: to express an objection.
Although: however.
Apologise: excuse oneself.
Update: upgrade.
Mind: conception.
Stumble: trip.
Collocations: abroad/stranger/foreigner
Stories: tales.
Fairy tales: children's story.
Childhood: infancy.
Characters: actor.
Knitting: join.
Cottage: small house.
Drown: swamp.
Global warming: an increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, causing changes in climate.
Seldom: hardly ever, nearly always.
Breaking news!
Miss: flight, train, bus, transport...
Get on/off
Get into/out of
Taxes: money-gathering.
Tips: gift.
Either: each of two.
Neither: also not.
Mole: hill.


I didn’t get much sleep: I didn't get enough sleep.
Invited over: to invite someone to your house.
To be into: be interested in or involved with.
Couldn’t sleep a wink: not to sleep at all.
You're diving me crazy!: Take it easy!/ Calm down


When did you last verb?
I last verb time expressions (ago or last)

Present simple:
  • Routines (frequiency adverbs)
  • How often do you...?

Present continous:
  • Action in progress
  • Future arrangenments
  • Activities


  • Disturb
  • Throwing paper
  • Interrupt
  • Speak loudly
  • Noises
  • Shouting
  • Standing up
  • Using Spanish
  • Insult
  • Fight
  • Do bullying
  • Selfish
  • Liar
  • Honest
  • No respect for other students and their personal belongings
  • No respect for the teacher
  • Reluctance to share
  • Unwillingness to participate in an activity
  • Not following directions
  • Cheating
  • Not completing tasks, assignments or homework
  • Littering, untidiness.

Friday, 23 September 2016


Hi everybody! I'm Irene Gómez and this is my new blog. I hope you have a good and happy back to school. See you the next week!
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