Thursday, 19 October 2017


Punishment a penalty assigned to or imposed for an offense or fault
Unlike different
Look forward to to anticipate with eagerness or pleasure
When I am old think you will be old in the future
Available easy to use
Live (of a radio or television program) at the moment of its happening or being performed
Spot a short period between regular television or radio programs that is used for advertising
Tasks a piece of work assigned to a person
It hasn’t rained for ages
When did you last…?
Have you ever…?
I’m crazy about… you’re thinking about something all time
Drown to (cause to) die from being put under water
Bare foot without shoes or shocks
Do I have to think about everything around here?
Honestly! expression when you are angry
                Moped                                                                Fill the tank with petrol
Resultado de imagen de moped                          Resultado de imagen de gasolina